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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Sunday, February 19, 2006

    Laughing and Loving with Autism compiled by R. Wayne Gilpin, 1993
    Autistic people can do unexpected and funny things. This is a compilation of humorous and/or inspirational stories and testimonials about and from autistic people. Some of the jokes are the sort that could come from anybody, and others are uniquely autistic. Gilpin's son Alex is a high functioning autistic, and many of the stories in this book (about a seventh) are about Alex. Stories are grouped by topic, and topics include Out into the "Real World, Music, Rain Man, School, and the "inspirational" stories are in Poignant.
    I enjoyed most of the humorous stories. I especially enjoyed a story about echolalia. Although most of the stories were warm and loving, a few bothered me because their point seemed to be to laugh at the autist in the story. I didn't like most of the "inspirational" stories because their focus seems to be on finding a cure for autism. This book is the first of three compilations by Gilpin.
    Humorous reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 7:55 PM (0) comments


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