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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Tuesday, December 06, 2005

    Wizards of the Game
    by David Lubar
    Eighth grader Mercer suggests having a gaming tournament as the middle school fundraiser. It seems like a great idea, and at first his teachers and classmates are enthusiastic. Then Ed, a Christian classmate, writes an article about the Satanic values of Wizards of the Warrior World, and suddenly nothing is simple. Christians picket the school, and a group of foreigners approach Mercer for his help as a wizard.
    Lubar contrasts a humanistic version of Christianity with an evangelical strain of Christianity and leaves no doubt as to which he prefers. To do so, he presents evangelical Christians as ridiculous and irrational. Further, Ed's abrupt about-face is unlikely. Although not realist like Dunk or a funny and pleasant read like Hidden Talents, Wizards of the Game raises serious questions without quite answering them.
    Question: Is gambling wrong?
    Thoughtful reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 8:15 PM
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