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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Thursday, February 26, 2004

    The GOD Project by Stan Lee

    Halliday is the newly elected president of the United States, and all of Washington seems to be keeping secrets from him. He and his secretary, Malcolm Keyes (who happens to have a perfect memory), try to find out what is being kept from them. At the center of the secrets is something called the GOD project. The man who holds the secret to the GOD project is missing, and the CIA is trying to find him. The CIA has to prime suspects-Malcolm Keyes, and John Burns. John Burns is a preacher for the twenty fifth of December Pentecostal Church, and he preaches against the pentagon, nuclear weapons, and capitalism. As Keyes and Halliday try to find out about the GOD project, Keyes is given a lesson in how politics work, and he becomes more and more disillusioned with politics.
    When it was written,this book was meant to be a political expose, and a sort of warning about what might happen in the near future. Viewed fifteen years later, most of the concerns seem out dated and impractical, although the attack on capitalism still works. The cold war and the arms race are very large looming issues in this book, and that gives the book a sort of fantasy/ sci-fi feeling to me, because I'm a teenager, and I don't remember a time when commie was the ultimate jab, or a label that liberals had to be careful to avoid.
    Searching for links relevant to this book, I found that Chris Carter and John Saul both wrote books called The God Project. Stan Lee has to be a pseudonym. No parents would be that inconsiderate(Stan Lee sounds too much like Stanley). Stan Lee apparently does not want to stand out.
    Happy reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 11:02 AM
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