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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Tuesday, February 17, 2004

    Profiles In Courage by John F(itzgerald) Kennedy
    Forward by Allan Nevins
    While the authorship of this Pulitzer prize winning book is sometimes contested, this is a great book regardless. It does have a number of rare words, so you may want to have your dictionary out. This book covers John Quincy Adams, who lived by his ideals, Daniel Webster who was a spoke for the preservation of the union, Sam Houston who believed that it was in the best interests of Texas to stay in the union, Edmund G Ross, who would not vote Andrew Johnson out of office, Robert Taft who spoke against the Nuremburg trials, and many others. All of the chapters about individuals are about Senators, although there is a chapter about other courageous people who were not senators. Although you may disagree with the effectiveness, the purpose, or even the motives of the men discussed here, you cannot help but be captivated by the artful storytelling and fascinating causes described inside the covers of this book. There are a few pictures in the middle of the book. Happy reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 2:04 AM
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