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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Friday, March 19, 2004

    Gay Rights
    A current cotroversies book
    Book editor Tamara L. Roleff

    This book is a series of essays and articles about gay rights. Most of the issues discussed are about gay rights in America, but one is about why gays should be allowed into the RAF. Although most of the articles are well written and informative articles of both sides of the debate, they do not seem to go together very well. Although they speak about the same issue, articles written by people in California do not go have the same perspective as articles written in New York. The laws in their respective areas are different, for one thing. Also, the writers of these articles often appear not to have heard of the concerns of the other writers, so that the reader is not shown both sides of the same issue; he is shown two sides of two related issues.
    Happy reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 12:41 PM
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