Gingerbread by Rachel CohnCyd Charisse struggles to deal with her world that includes her boyfriend, Shrimp, his brother Wallace, her mother Nancy, her step dad Sid, her two halves Hyper Josh and Ash, her bio dad Frank, her halves through Frank, and an assortment of other characters. Cyd Charisse tends to be very self centered and does not deal well with the people around her. She is depressed about the abortion she had right before she was expelled from boarding school. Her parents are driving her nuts. Her hormones are sometimes out of her control. To top that, her bio family is not quite what she expected.
This story is about a rebellious teenager growing up and learning that the world does not revolve around her. That sounds like an overdone plotline, and in a way it is. The style will catch you, though, and the plot is only overdone because it's good.
Happy reading.