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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Sunday, March 07, 2004

    Parsifal's Page by Gerald Morris

    Piers, the son of a blacksmith and a former lady's maid, dreams of being a knight, or at least a squire. When a knight comes throuhg his town, he joins the knight as his page. However, he has only been a page for less than a week when his knight is killed by Parsifal, on behalf of King Arthur. Parsifal is trying to become a knight, but Arthur has said that he must first do great deeds. Piers joins Parsifal on his quest. Parsifal is exasperating for the young page however, because he has no sense of what is and is not proper. When Parsifal finally does get the chance to do a great deed and break a spell, he misses his chance because Piers has told him to mind his manners. In his frustration, Parsifal sends Piers away. Piers must find a way to rectify the damage he has done.
    This book contains many humourous scenes, but humour is not its main focus. Parsifal's Page is about finding the balance between what is proper and what is prudent, what looks good and what is good. It continues the King Arthur series, without being repetative. It contains elements of fantasy, without becoming removed from the real world.
    Happy reading

    posted by Jonah  # 10:23 AM
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