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Biblio Files: talking about books

Biblio Files is a site for bibliophiles. Please look at the index, and post any feedback you can think of. Comment on posts. If you are interested in writing a review or more for this blog, let me know.
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  • Wednesday, March 03, 2004

    Shakespeare Bats Cleanup By Ron Koertage
    When Kevin Boland gets mono, he is stuck at home, grounded from school and baseball. With nothing to do, he borrows(without permission, but his father would probably have given it) a book on poetry from his father's office, and begins to experiment with poetry. Through his poetry and his musings on poetry, we are given a window into his life as he recovers, discovers the difference between being a bstring baseball player as opposed to MVP, and gets a girlfriend. This book might teach you a little about poetry; did you know, a patoum is a poem where the second and fourth lines of each verse get repeated as the first and third lines of the next verse? Try it!
    Happy reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 10:09 AM
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