Jennifer Government by Max Barry In a world of extremes, the United States encompasses most of the world. In this world, the United States stands for almost entirely unrestrained capitalism. People take on the last names of the companies that they work for(hence a character named Jennifer Government). Business runs everything from schools to roads to the police. The government still retains some authority, though- it stops people from initiating violence. It also apparently serves to permit lawsuits, although that is not explicitly covered in the book.
Jennifer Government's arch-enemy is John Nike, vice president of Nike, who is trying to enact a hostile takeover of Team Advantage. Team Advantage includes the NRA, which he uses to kill whomever he wants killed. John Nike will stop at nothing in his entrepreneurship, but Jennifer Government intends to stop him nonetheless.
This book is more interesting for the world in proposes than for its story line, although the story is not without merit. The world is not as well explained as I would like, and I would like to have seen what was happening in communist places. Another book in this world would be very interesting.
Question: Is communism or capitalism more workable? Why?
Happy reading.