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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Tuesday, May 18, 2004

    The Haunted Underwear by Janet Adele Bloss
    When Kelly's parents adopt four-year-old Stevie, Kelly resents the intruder immediately. Stevie gets all the attention and Kelly gets none. Kelly tries to get her parents attention, but the cute things that generate lots of attention for Stevie won't work for Kelly. When Kelly complains that Stevie throwws things around, her parents tell her that when she was Stevie's age, she used to scatter her clothing around the house.
    So when Kelly's clothes start to appear in strange places, her parents assume that this is a ploy for attention. Kelly knows its not, so she assumes that Stevie is scattering her clothes so that she will take the blame. She tries to catch him in the act unsuccesfully, while her parents blame her and take away her TV priviledges. In the end, Kelly's dog turns out to be the culprit, Kelly's parents apologize, and Kelly decides she loves Stevie after all.
    This book is thouroughly bland and predictable. Characters are not well developed and do not act rationally. Kelly's friend Lynn is predictably on the sidelines. Her parents believe her when she says her dog did it, and then they suddenly realize that they're not giving Kelly enough attention. Kelly suddenly loves Stevie, which seems entirely out of character.
    Happy reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 12:27 PM
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