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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Sunday, May 30, 2004

    Matchstick Men: A Novel of Petty Crimes
    by Eric Garcia
    Roy is a con man. Perhaps because of the tricks he pulls, Roy obsessively checks his tracks. Roy believes that he suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder, and his old shrink had given him pills. His partner suggests to him that he see a different shrink, which he does. The shrink reminds him of his ex, who was pregnant when she left him fifteen years earlier. Roy tells his shrink that he would like to know if he has a kid, but he doesn't want to take the initiative. The shrink introduces him to a kid he says is Roy's daughter.
    It's a con. The shrink, fake daughter, partner, etc. work together to con Roy. Although I saw it coming for the entire book, I still felt cheated when it turned out that Roy really was being conned. All of the things that Roy did throughout the book that led him to being conned seemed out of character. An obsessive person like Roy should have checked out his shrink. If he really wanted to legitamitely adopt his "daughter", anybody worry wart would certainly have contacted people who would have confirmed that he had a daughter.
    Happy reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 6:58 PM
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