One In Thirteen
The Silent Epidemic of Teen Suicide
by Jessica Portner Forward by William S. Pollack
*One in thirteen highschoolers attempt suicide in the U.S.
*67.3% of boys and 51.9% of girls ages 10 to 19 who kill themselves usea firearm.
*More than 85% of completed suicides in the U.S. are by boys.
*In 70% of teen suicides, another teenager knew of the intent and did not act.
*People from every race, income bracket, gender, etc. commit suicide. Boys commit suicide more than girls, whites more than blacks, gays more than straights, the disabled more than the healthy.
This book repeats these facts over and over. It's a skinny book that should have had more examples of what it said than repetitions of what it said. To anyone who has studied suicide, this book will not present new information. However, this information is important for everyone to know. You probably know at least one person who has attempted suicide; you may sometime be in a situation where you need to convince someone not to commit suicide.