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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Tuesday, June 01, 2004

    Treasure At The Heart Of Tanglewood by Meredith Ann Pierce
    Brown Hannah is a healer who lives in the Tanglewood. If she has parents, she doesn't know it. The only adult with power over her life is the Wizard. Every month, she plucks the flowers that grow in her hair and makes a tea with them for him to drink. When Hannah grows curious about the lives of the townsfolk who sometimes come to her for remedies, she finds that they are terorized by a great boar who lives in the Tanglewood, and to whom they pay tribute.
    Knights always come to Tanglewood, bewitched and stupid creatures. Their horses sometimes come back, but never with a rider. One knight stops and talks to Hannah on his way in, and she falls in love. She gives him a flower from her hair, and he goes in. Later, she finds the knight and his horse. The horse is dead, but the knight has been spared because of the flower.
    Hannah heals the knight. She discovers that the Wizard has been using his magic to turn into the Boar. Hannah traps the Wizard and leaves Tanglewood.
    The premises of this book are somewhat shaky. Where Hannah's power comes from is never revealed. What happens to Hannah and her knight at the end does not seem clear. This is still an original book.
    Happy reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 4:54 PM
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