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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Tuesday, September 14, 2004

    Henry Ford And The Jews
    The Mass Production of Hate

    by Neil Baldwin
    My eighth grade teacher included the information that Henry Ford was antisemitic and that he had an antisemeic newspaper called the Dearborn Independant as part of the unit on the Holocaust, but to only know that is to only know the dry bones of an interesting story. For example, Henry Ford retracted his antisemetic tales and closed the Dearborn Independant as a show of good faith, but never actually stopped suporting antisemetism in other ways. And the only book of Hitler's that showed much wear was Henry Ford's The International Jew.
    This book is filled with information and interesting stories. The pictures are awesonme, although the captions leave much to be desired. Pictures of newspapers in foreign languages do not have captions telling us what the newpapers say. This book is also frustrating in that a large cast of characters is introduced, and we are expected to remember all of them. The story is not entirely in chronological order, and some dates would have added clarity to the book.
    THe book's dedication, "For the librarians", sets a tone to the book. It also acknowledges the friends of all bibliophiles, librarians. A bibliography, notes, permissions, and an index are included at the back of the book. The title of this book, and some of the interest, comes from an out of print book of the same title, by Albert Lee. If anyone has read both this book and that of Albert Lee, I would love to know how they compare.
    Philosophical reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 7:43 PM
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