A More Perfect Union
Why Straight America Must Stand Up For Gay Rights
by Richard D. Mohr The most interesting word I had to look up while reading this book- quean: 1. a woman regarded as being disreputable, particularly a prostitute. 2.
Scots A young woman. The word came as part of a tirade about the insulting words used to describe minority groups, which equates gays with every other minority group around. Mohr paints a scary picture of an American culture which has less than exemplary attitudes towards anyone who is not a straight white male, preferably protestant. The picture is scary mostly because it strikes me as acurate. This book provides a sad and convincing argument that gays in America do not have American rights. It argues for gay equality in the contexts of religion, history, minority rights, the military, and marriage. It provides convincing arguments in all areas except religion, for which only the weak argument that many of the religous are selectively religous. It also includes five pages on what you can do. Although this book was pulished in 1994, with parts having being printed in 1988, it continues to be relevant today.
Thoughtful reading.