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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Tuesday, October 26, 2004

    America by E.R. Frank
    America is a fifteen-year-old boy in a mental hospital. He is seriously depressed(which is why he's there), and is trying desperately to forget his past. His therapist doesn't want to let him forget though. Him and his stupid questions. America starts telling us in flashes the things he doesn't want to remember. He tries not to tell his therapist, though. He knows that there's nowhere to go if he has to leave the hospital. And one day he sees his brother serving lunch. The cracks in his brain are leaking memories, and he can't stop them. And so he begins to tell his story, relieving once and for all his burdens.
    The style of this book, of the street-talking America, is nothing short of magnificent. The content is short of magnificent. It is the sappy, wishful thinking of a therapist. But it does contain what a therapist would nkow about the troubles America, the boy and the people, really do have to face.
    Happy reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 4:13 PM
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