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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Monday, October 11, 2004

    The Black Panther Party[Reconsidered] edited by Charles E. Jones
    "The objective of this book is to begin the process of systematic scholarly investigation of the historical role of this African American revolutionary organization."p12, Introduction. I don't know whether or not anyone picked up the thread of continuing the scholarly investigation, but it was certainly started well here. This is an anthology, with each chapter having different authors. The authors include Charles E Jones as well as Panthers and other historians. The book is divided into six parts, which cover the atmosphere of the time, stories of the rank and file, how the organization worked(with a chapter by Kathleen Cleaver), gender dynamics, why the BPP eventually closed in 1982, and what it left behind. Most chapters include detailed notes at the end, and are painstakingly backed with evidence. This is a very scholarly work and not very easy to read. To read this book, I suggest that you first have some knowledge of communist philosophy and Black militant organizations of the time.
    Educational reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 9:35 AM
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