Civil Wars: A Battle For Gay Marriage By David Moats On December 20th, 1999, the Vermont Supreme Court ruled that denying gay couples the benefits of marriage was against its state constitution. The legislature was instructed to rectify the problem. The people of Vermont then had a politicl topic that mattered to almost all of them. Protestors and demonstrators organized. Speeches were made. People were forced to think about a topic that made many of them very uncomfortable.
This is an account of how the legislators decided the issue and of the people who made them decide. It takes a liberal perspective that tries to include the perspectives of opponents of gay marriage, without legitimizing them. It talks about the history of Vermont, and the issues facing specifically Vermonters, and the issues facing all of America today as it grapples with the reality of families that include LGBs. It talks of politicians that most Americans are familiar with, as well as more obscure people.
Keeping track of the many people dramatically portrayed can get a little bit difficult. And gay marriage is an uncomfortable issue for many people. But I think it's worth your thoughts. Please share your thoughts on civil unions v. marriage.
Thoughtful reading.