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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Wednesday, October 06, 2004

    The Woman in the Wall by Patrice Kindl
    Anna is shy, small, semi-invisable, and great at hiding. She never leaves the house, and the neighbors don't know she exists. Her mother decides to enroll her in school, and invites a therapist to come over and meet Anna so that they can decide how to school her. But when the therapist comes, she can't see Anna, and she thinks that Anna is a figment of her younger sister's imagination. Anna accidentally gets stuck in the therapist's purse, and leaves the house for the first time in her life. It is scary to be outside, and she resolves that it will never happen again.
    Anna has always been good with tools, and for a while she has been working on constructing a hiding place inside the walls. She goes inside to hide, and decides that she does not want to come out. Anna lives inside the walls. She partitions off more and more of the house for her own abode. She comes out only at night. And in the wall, Anna grows up, and becomes a woman. At the beginning, she does not recognize what she is becoming, but she realises it when one of the boys who is always hanging around Anna's house because of Anna's sister Andrea sticks a letter in the wall. It says:
    Dear A,
    I love you.
    Sincerely yours,

    Anna knows it's to her. She is in love. She dreams about F all the time. And then it turns out that A is Andrea! And now you have to read the book. Ha ha.
    Happy reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 9:56 AM
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