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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Thursday, November 18, 2004

    Families Like Mine
    Children of Gay Parents Tell It Like It Is
    by Abigail Garner
    Abigail Garner's father came out of the closet and moved in with his partner when she was five. Her childhood experiences were different because of it. In this book, she and other adults with LGBT parents talk about their childhoods, what their parents did or should have done, and how their families affect their lives. A lot of things don't occur to the parents, such as; when parents try to raise their kids "normal" and inadvertantly pressure them to be heterosexual, or when kids are left out of pride events after getting too old. Garner also runs a site, Families Like Mine. The list of links she provides are on the index's sidebar.
    Thoughtful reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 1:14 PM
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