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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Saturday, November 20, 2004

    This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen
    The summer after her high school graduation, Remy's mom is getting married. Again. This time, she is marrying the owner of a car dealership. While at the dealership to discuss wedding plans with her to-be stepdad, someone knocks into Remy. He tells her that he saw her and knew that they were meant to be together. He grabs her hand and writes his name and number on it. On the day that Remy dumps her boyfriend Jonathan, she sees Dexter again at a bar. And at her mother's wedding, his band is the one playing. When his band leaves without him, Dexter begs a ride off Remy. In her car, he makes fun of the meticulous attention whe gives to its care, and leaves grease on her car: not what she is looking for in a guy. Not much later, Remy gets into a bar room brawl, and Dexter bails her out. Waking up in Dexter's room, Remy sneaks out via the window. Dexter then climbs into her window, and finally he becomes her boyfriend. But Remy's still not planning on permanence, the summer before collge.
    In the backround, Remy's older brother is seriously dating Jennifer Anne, an impossibly priss woman who has reformed Chris. Remy's mother is a famous romance novelist and her new book is taking some unusual turns. Remy's friends romances all require her attention. The book's title is the name of a song Remy's absentee dad wrote for her. It became a classic, and Remy has ambivalent feelings toward it. Dexter's band, at wedding the G Flats, otherwise the Truth Squad, lives chaoticly together, hoping to make it with the record companies, hating their rival band Spinnerbait. And of course, Remy's got to live with her new stepdad.
    Romance-themed-maybe-romantic reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 10:35 PM
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