Biblio Files is a site for bibliophiles. Please look at the index, and post any feedback you can think of. Comment on posts. If you are interested in writing a review or more for this blog, let me know.
Biblio Files
Month 10
Books Reviewed:34(I added two reviews to the Itsy Bitsy Spider Section)
Total Books Reviewed:200
Days Blogged/Days In Period:18/30
New Members:none
Total Number of Members:3 active, 3 inactive
Number of Hits This Data Period:225
Toal Number of Hits:1501
Features Added:The Beautiful Spectrum section on the sidebar of the index
Comments: I'm considering activating blogger's commenting system, transfering all the haloscan comments, and then deleting the haloscan comments. Any objections?
Blogger's bar on the top of the page is blocking the title. Any ideas on how to fix that?