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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Tuesday, December 21, 2004

    Songs of the Gorilla Nation
    My Journey Through Autism
    by Dawn Prince-Hughes
    When the author's frequent outbursts got so bad that her partner, Tara, said she would leave if the author did not get diagnosed, the author called a autism specialist and asked for a diagnoses of Asperger's Syndrome. She got one, although not immediately. This is her story through autism, a story that is different from most because everybody's autism is different. In particular, the author discusses sexuality, her partner, and gorillas. Gorillas are the focus of about half of the book. Prince-Hughes feels that gorillas(and indeed all apes) are people, and she describes them as such. Her work with gorillas is very important to her, and through out this book, she tries to convince you of her ideas. Because this is about her life, the details I wanted about gorillas (after my interest got piqued) were not included. Right after the table of contents and before the title page is How Can I Keep From Singing, a traditional Quaker hymn.
    Happy reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 7:15 AM
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