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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Saturday, January 29, 2005

    I Want to Grow Hair, I Want to Grow Up,
    I Want to Go To Boise

    Children Surviving Cancer
    by Erma Bombeck
    Humor propels people through a lot of things. It helps them to get over rejection, death, bad grades, poor salaries, and (drumroll, please) cancer! When kids have cancer, outsiders often inform kids of their hopeful wishes, their prognoses, their bravery. They don't joke. But they should. Cancer today leaves most of its victims alive, and hope is not an unrealistic weapon.
    This is a telling of the often humorous experiences of children with cancer, as well as the experiences of their doctors and family members. This book contains 16 pages of pictures drawn by kids, many of which are humorous. One depicts a nurse holding a humongous needle, and a kid hiding under the sheets; another depicts Garfield hooked up to an IV. This book says that you should not read books about cancer that are more than five years old, does that mean you shouldn't read this one(printed 1989)? Well, the rescues, the prognoses, the odds are out of date. But cancer hasn't found a cure, so hope and humor related to cancer are not obsolete.
    Happy reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 10:09 PM
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