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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Saturday, January 29, 2005

    Owl in Love by Patrice Kindl
    Owl Tycho thinks she's in love, which is a problem. The man she fancies is 26 years her senior, unaware of and unreceptive to her crush, and, worst of all, human. At night, Owl is a barn owl, hunting and flying. In the day, Owl is a human with a gray complexion and huge eyes; she is a wereowl. Owl's family is an eccentric sort where this is accepted, and Owl does not have or need the friendship of those outside her own family.
    Mr. Lindstrom, Owl's science teacher and the man she is in love with, has a problem which Owl has noticed; there is a boy camping near Mr.Lindstrom's house, consumed with hatred for Mr.Lindstrom, and wasting away with hunger. There is also a crazy barn owl near Mr.Lindstrom's house, intruding on other owl's territory. This owl has no hold of owl manners or of hunting; Owl theorizes he was raised by great horned owls. Seeing Owl's concern for Mr.Lindstom, Dawn is friendly with Owl. Needing a science partner to donate blood for the lab(Owl's blood is black), Owl is friendly, too. Dawn seems intent on friendship, and now Owl has human manners to figure out.
    I liked the premise of this book, I liked Owl, and I liked the plot. But the ending has tons of clues pointing towards it- and Owl misses all of them! This seems incredible, because Owl's got a crush, and with a crush, wouldn't she obsess over everything related to Mr. Lindstrom? Owl's thinking is very much aligned with owl's; she has owl manners and hates crows, etc.. This book therefore does not sympathise with animals other than owls.
    Happy reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 10:15 PM
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