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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Tuesday, February 15, 2005

    The Angel Factory by Terence Blacker
    At the urging of his friend Gip, Thomas goes onto his fathers computer and looks at his files. He is surprised to see an encoded document. When the boys present the document to their math teacher to solve. While waiting, Thomas follows his parents when they go on a business trip, and finds that his sister and her boyfriend are headed to the same place. There he sees something mystical and experiences something weird. He knows his family is hiding something. Then the teacher comes thorugh; the document is Thomas' adoption certificate. Thomas is furious with his parents for their deception. But Thomas soon finds that their deception is even greater. He must make desicions which will affect all of humanity.
    The book isn't really as dramatic as that last bit makes it sound. It's a serious look at what it means to be human. It is an accurate presentation of the view that one person might have, although not necessarily what humans are.
    Question: Is freedom more important than safety? Or peace?
    Happy reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 9:38 AM
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