Braving Home
Dispatches from the Underwater Town, the Lava-Side Inn,
and Other Extreme Locales
by Jake Halpern Some people choose to live in dangerous and uncomfortable places. After being told to evacuate, they stay, risking life and limb, money and property to do so. And some people choose to live out of the way, living in out of the way places where the sun doesn't shine(literally) long after danger forced them there. Halpern talks to one resiliant resident of each of
Princeville, North Carolina,
Whittier, Alaska,
Royal Gardens, Hawaii,
Malibu, California, and
Grand Isle, Louisiana. Four of these places are periodically destroyed, and the other is an indoor town, started as a military base. Through talking to these people, Halpern discusses what makes a home and why people stay. He also shows the vast variety of conditions that people live in.
Happy reading.