Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot by John CallahanOut drunk with a friend who was also drunk, Callahan was in a car crash that left him quadriplegic. After a long and painful stay in the hospital, Callahan went to a rehabilitation center. There he learned, among other things, how to have sex without being able to feel his dick. Out of rehab, he stayed n various interesting places. He was thrown out of a nursing home because he was alcoholic. Some time later, Callahan decided that his biggest problem wasn't that he was quadriplegic; it was his alcoholism. So he joined AA and stayed off the booze. He put into practice the things he had learned in rehab, and began to live more independantly. He became a cartoonist, and was printed in many magazines. But this did not allow him to live off his own wages; due to the fact that insurance companies wouldn't insure him, he needed to stay on medicaid. So all of his money had to go to Welfare.
This is irreverant in the extreme, which makes me a bit uncomfortable. Callahan says that he is just as happy to get a strong negative reaction as a positive one, and I guess he gets one or the other. I also was disturbed by his misogyny. Callahan claims that his misogyny is due to the fact that he is adopted, but no matter what it's attributable to, I don't like hearing or reading women called bitches. The text is illustrated with Callahan's comics. The comics are meant to be about the text, but I couldn't always figure out how they matched.
Interesting reading.