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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Wednesday, April 27, 2005

    Differences In Common
    Straight Talk on Mental Retardation, Down Syndrome, and Life
    by Marilyn Trainer
    Bennet Trainer was born in the late 1960s, the youngest of four children. Ben's parents were told that he had Mongolism. They had "why us"ism. Ben grew up and his parents got over their ism. Ben learned to speak, read, and write. He's had friends and a girlfriend and jobs. Having a son with Down Syndrome presents many of the challanges involved in raising most kids. Parents of people with Down Syndrome have to be more involved in their kids' lives. They also have to deal with the prejudices that they and the public may have about people with Down's.
    This book is compiled of 44 essays and introductory paragraphs. The essays were written for different publications at different times. Most are about Ben and/or Down's Syndrome, but a few are about life in general. A large percentage of people with Down Syndrome have other problems as well- 15% have problems with their hearing, a larger percentage have problems with their sight, many have problems with their hearts. Ben has no comorbidities. Ben is affected by the comorbidities of Down Syndrome because his friends are people with Down Syndrome. Tragically, his girlfriend's heart problems lead to her death. Differences In Common is aimed primarily at parents and family members of people with Down Syndrome.
    Happy reading

    posted by Jonah  # 5:07 PM
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