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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Wednesday, April 06, 2005

    Something Rotten by Jasper Fforde
    A Thursday Next Novel
    It has been two years in Thursday's time sequence since her husband's death, but decades in others' time, since Goliath Corporation went back in time and killed Landon(the husband) when he was two. Thursday decides that time is running out for regaining her husband, so she leaves the world of books(literally) and rejoins the real world. She is startled to find that Goliath Corporation has become a religion, although it still seems familiar. The government is in the process of take over by a fugitive from an unknown book, and said fugitive has incited mass Dane hatred. To make things more complicated, Thursday takes her old job of policing the integrity of books back.
    If you are willing to suspend belief in our philosophy, mathematics, and science, this book can be lots of fun. The plot is not entirely logical(why does Thursday think that time is running out?), but the science fiction devices and humor are fun to read.
    Question: What would be the best (not yet invented) method for world take over?
    LOL reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 7:06 PM
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