Biblio Files is a site for bibliophiles. Please look at the index, and post any feedback you can think of. Comment on posts. If you are interested in writing a review or more for this blog, let me know.
Biblio Files Month 15 Books Reviewed:17 Total Books Reviewed:330 Days Blogged/Days In Period:9/30 New Members:none Total Number of Members:2 active Number of Hits This Data Period:240 Total Number of Hits:2792 Features Added: none My recommended books for this month: Differences In Common by Marilyn Trainer, Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss Comments: I've been having a problem with obscene comments. Blogger emails and says I have a comment, giving me the text of the comment but not where it is. If you notice inappropriate comments, please bring them to my attention.