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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Sunday, May 08, 2005

    Down is Up For Aaron Eagle: A Mother's Spiritual Journey With Down Syndrome
    by Vicki Noble
    Vicki Noble believes in a wide range of spiritual traditions. She believes in faith healers and natural birth. To her, destiny is neither good nor bad. When her son Aaron Eagle was born with Down Syndrome, this was not deeply disturbing- it was destiny, a shamanic call. Aaron Eagle received his mother's spiritual beliefs. He is seen by her as having a shamanic quality, reminding her to slow down, showing the basic parts of life to all. Aaron Eagle is also raised in Noble's beliefs- he doesn't eat addictive sugar, for example.
    This book is more about the author(and her spirituality) than it is about her son. Aaron Eagle is only eight at the end of the book, and it would be nice to see how he's progressed. Aaron Eagle's personality doesn't come through clearly, because after a bit about Aaron Eagle, his mother goes off on a tangent about spirituality.
    Question: Aaron Eagle is obviously affected by his mother's beliefs. Are disabled children affected differently by their parents' beliefs?
    Happy reading

    posted by Jonah  # 2:24 PM
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