Eats, Shoots & Leaves
The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation
by Lynne Truss Apathy concerning punctuation runs rampant. Commas and apostraphes are stuck in the wrong places on signs galore, and it seems as though only sticklers notice the difference. However, punctuation really
is important. Punctuation has the power to alter the meaning of words, and poor punctuation results in poor comprehension.
Truss has set out to make us all into sticklers. She presents the correction usage of the comma(,),question mark(?), apostraphe('), period(.), semicolon(;) and colon(:), prantheses((),[],{},). Truss also presents the histories of these punctuation marks and their humorous ill uses. Since she lives in England, her explanation of punctuation is most pertinent to the British, but she generally notes what the proper usage is for Americans as well.
Happy reading.