Biblio Files is a site for bibliophiles. Please look at the index, and post any feedback you can think of. Comment on posts. If you are interested in writing a review or more for this blog, let me know.
Biblio Files Month 17 Books Reviewed:23 Total Books Reviewed:350 Days Blogged/Days In Period:19/30 New Members:none Active Members:3 Number of Hits This Data Period:246 Total Number of Hits:3315 Features Added: Links to comics on the index sidebar. My recommended books for this month: The Seeing Glass by Jacquelin Gorman and Queer Science by Simon LeVay Comments: I've begun putting the date of publication after the author in reviews of books where I believe that the time in which the book was written is pertinant to an understanding of the book. Robert Oppenheimer visited the site this month.