Looking for Alaska
A novel by John GreenTo be ironic Miles' boarding school roomate nicknames him Pudge the day they meet. Pudge is skinny. The roomate's nickname is Colonel, and like a colonel he marchs Pudge through his introduction to boarding school. Among the people Pudge meets is Alaska(her real name), the most stunningly beautiful girl Pudge has ever met. Unfortunately, she already has a boyfriend. Colonel, Alaska and Takumi bring Pudge into their idyllic life of pranking, drinking, smoking, studying, and discussing deep topics at early hours.
While the characters are meandering through their lives, the reader is watching the countdown. All chapters are labeled by countdown and then a countup. Unfortunatley, all summaries other than this one(including that of the Library of Congress, included on the verso) will tell you what that central event is.
Question: Miles attends boarding school seeking a Great Perhaps. What is a Great Perhaps, and are you seeking it?
Thoughtful reading.