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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Thursday, July 14, 2005

    More Than Meets the Eye
    by Joan Brock with Derek L. Gill
    Getting her daughter dressed in the morning, Joan couldn't find her daughter's pink socks. Her daughter(Joy) insisted that a pair of white socks were pink. Puzzled, Joan asked her husband what color socks Joy was wearing. He said pink. Over the next weeks, Joan lost the rest of her colors and much of her vision. She retained the ability to see some contrast with her peripheral vision, but nothing else. The doctors excitedly studied her eyes; as they hadn't seen anything like her case before, they had no ideas about how to treat it.
    Joan had already been working at a residential school for the blind. Although some of her responsibilities had to be switched, she continued working at the school, with a new connection to the students. Joan adjusted to her new life beautifully, functioning well even when her husband died of cancer of the sinuses.
    I was initially confused when the author is referred to as Mrs.Beringer, until I realized that that was her husband's name, which she has since changed. I was also confused by the names of her family members, all of which start with J. Mrs.Brock is a Christian, and her Christian stories add a nice touch to the story.
    Happy reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 1:06 PM
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