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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Monday, August 29, 2005

    Are We There Yet? by David Levithan
    Elijah Silver was born when his brother Danny was seven. For many years, Danny was an attentive older brother and Elijah a worshipful younger brother. But sometime during Danny's teenage years, the bond between the brothers dissolved, replaced by caution and suspicion. At 23, Danny is a workaholic, so focused on his work that his bosses have ordered him to take a vacation. His parents claim that they made reservations for a trip to Italy but can't go and would like him to go with Elijah in their stead. Elijah is a student in a boarding school. He loves his life, his friends, the world. When his parents call to ask him if he'd like to go to Italy with his brother, he says sure.
    Danny and Elijah are both likable and realistic. The people they meet, the sights they see, their reactions to both, are likewise realistic. Some of the details of their lives(especially Danny's) are improbable enough to be subtly funny but do not intrude on the story. A few details do not seem well thought out- why do Danny and Elijah sightsee together? Why didn't Elijah need the money Danny offers? While the overt moral appears to be that it is wondrous when brothers get along, it bothers me that Danny rather than Elijah is the one to change towards that end.
    Question: Danny's friend says that brothers generally are not as close as sisters. Does that appear to be true? Is it true?
    Happy reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 10:56 AM
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