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Biblio Files: talking about books

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  • Saturday, January 28, 2006

    Gift From My Son: Autism Redefined by Keli Lindelien, 2004
    Benjamin was born to an unusual family. His mother, Keli Lindelien, still feels guilty because she predicted the death of a friend when she and the friend were teenagers. He died. Lindelien also believes that her daughter, Benjamin's older sister, can see auras. Lindelien chose not to have an amniocentesis while she was pregnant because of a vision. Benjamin is unusual in another way. As a toddler, Benjamin was diagnosed with PDD-NOS. Although he began developing speech normally, he regressed and did not speak for a year.
    Benjamin's sensory sensitivities are described by his mother in spiritual New Age language. Lindelien's accounts of her son's sensitivities seemed almost impossible to me until I tried to reword them in terms of sensory integration. Lindelien "redefines" autism as a gift in two ways. First, she believes that the reflection forced upon her by a disabled child was a gift. Second, Benjamin's hyper sensitive sight, hearing, and empathy are a gift. Benjamin is currently fairly high functioning.
    Much of this book is too mystical for me. I could not understand what Lindelien's visions were implying. Lindelien asks a lot of questions instead of stating what she believes. I could not follow where the questions where leading. I find much of what Lindelien says to be unbelievable and at times contradictory. However, it is nice to see that Lindelien enjoys her son. Appendix A, a toilet training protocol, might be of some use.
    Question: Lindelien claims that Benjamin can see auras. Can you see or otherwise sense auras? Do they have colors?
    Happy reading.

    posted by Jonah  # 9:01 PM
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